
Friday, June 4, 2010

6-4 And We Go On...

Location: The Generator (Hostel), Berlin
Listening to: Gym Class Heroes - Cupid’s Chokehold
“I’d be one nocturnal son of a gun...”
What a night...good call, Sam.  I went on the New Berlin Pub Crawl last night and had one hell of a time.  You had to buy a wristband, but then they gave us a free shot of Jager with every drink we bought - and I always get my money’s worth.  They took us to I think 5 or 6 different places ranging from a simple ground-level pub to a good-sized dance club.  I think the club was the most fun place - we stayed there for probably 2 hours.  I’ve discovered that, though definitely don’t need alcohol to have fun, I do need it to dance.  I hung out with Emily and Julia for most of the night.  They’re sisters from Upstate New York.  Actually, Julia is a KKG at WashU and knows the SigEps down there pretty well, so we hit it off right away.  I couldn’t figure out where we were when we left, but we couldn’t have been that far from the hostel because the cab fare was only €8.50.  It was an epic night...I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of it.  I had to laugh at myself this morning - I was freaking out because I yelled myself hoarse until I realized I wasn’t on tour anymore.
I’m at the Hauptbahnhof in Berlin now, waiting for my train to Bremerhaven.  This is the port city they told me about in Empede with the emigration museum.  From there, I’ll take a train to Bremen and then a night-train to Stuttgart, arriving at about 6:40 for my 10:00 flight to Barcelona.  I can’t believe this leg of my trip is almost over - it seriously feels like I just got to Germany.  I love it here and I know I’ll miss the people and the places for quite a while.  I’d really love to come back someday (preferably with someone who speaks German) and dig up the history of the other branches of my family.  That day in Empede was incredible - I felt like I was walking through a Dan Brown novel, and now that I’ve got that taste in my mouth I’m not sure I’ll ever get it out.  I need to run and catch my train - ¡Les visto en Barce!

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