
Thursday, June 10, 2010

6-10 Old Friends, Scary Old Men, and the Worst Day Ever

Location: Kingsbrook (school)
Listening to: (still no headphones and now no computer - read on)

Well, I guess I'll get the bad news out of the way.  Yesterday I got robbed at the train station.  I didn't get mugged or anything - I set my bag down like a dumb American tourist and it was gone.  The backpack contained a bunch of beach-wear, a jacket, my camera, and most importantly my computer.  The police were not helpful, even though there are security cameras all over the place.  I filed a report but I'm not feeling very hopeful.

It isn't just that he stole (sorry to be sexist and presume it's a he) half my net worth or my sole method of communicating with my family in any manner other than email - he took my means to remember this summer and my experiences.  Or so I thought.  GK Chesterton once said, "There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less."  I can't honestly say I'm there yet - I still feel the sting of loss and I'm struggling to forgive - but I think GK has offered me the only advice that can really help someone in my situation.  Life is what we make of it, not what things we make.  That one's an original :-)

Ok, enough of that.  That last post sounded pessimistic, and actually things were really starting to look up until yesterday.  I really like my classes and my teachers.  I have class from 10 to 2:30 with a 30 minute lunchbreak, and my classes only have 5-8 people each.  Unfortunately, we're all Americans so we default to English when we aren't in class.  I'm also loving living in the city - it's very well laid-out and the public transport is pretty good.  It isn't as easy as in Germany, but I'm starting to get used to it.

I imagine you're wondering about the first two parts of the title by now.  The second has to do with Roser's marido (husband) her words, he's a little sick in the head.  I woke up the other night to him yelling something in Catalán and her trying to wake him up - scary but not dangerous.  The first has to do with the night Sam Wilson came to town.  Let's just say I wandered around Barcelona for an hour at 10 the next morning looking for my school (that sounds way worse than it actually was, but it's true).  I don't especially like travelling alone anymore, so I think I'll be finding something to do with my classmates this weekend.  Since I don't have my computer anymore, I won't be able to write as easily or as often, but I'll do my best to keep you posted.  Adios!

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